Unmoored, spiraling, lost identity, who am I and how do I find myself, ground myself, and find the good again? We lose ourselves sometimes- autopilot takes over, trauma shocks us, change in out lives happens, sometimes who we are feels like it slowly slipped away or is ripped from us. In my case, it was repeated radical change, a separation/divorce followed by another rocky relationship. I felt I was losing myself. A helpful step for healing that I took (and continue to take for self care) is returning to what I love. I wrote a list and posted it on my fridge.
“This list has brought me home to myself when I was lost”
When things feel like they’re falling apart, come back to what you love. Feeling stressed? Review the list, are you making time and prioritizing what you love?
This list has brought me home to myself when I was lost, has helped me refocus and diversify my employment, and helps me ensure that I stay lit up by participating in and prioritizing things I love.
I see the list every day, it’s at eye level. I soak it up, I ponder it, I try to combine things I love into activities I do. My list I love is a huge part of my self care.
Give it a try, grab some paper, make a list of what you love and immerse yourself in it, hold yourself to it, reflect on the impact.
Archan says
So important to talk about things to be vulnerable and open. Thanks for sharing!