Where: This energy center sits about 2 inches below the belly button and is all about creativity, sexual energy, and relating to our emotions and the emotions of others. It’s right in the center of your lower belly and in your back it is located in the lumbar spine. It is associated with the colour orange and the element, water.
Blocked: feelings of fear, overwhelm, depression, emotional instability, loss of creativity, and addictive behaviors. Bored, listless and uninspired.
Overactive: Excess and conflict- from thriving on drama to having unhealthy relationships, feeling overwhelmed.
Solar Plexus
Where: The solar plexus chakra, or Manipura, is located in your stomach area. It’s responsible for confidence and self-esteem, as well as helping you feel in control of your life.
Blocked: Nausea, bloating, gastric or digestion issues like stomach pain, heartburn, acid reflux, nausea, ulcers, or a loss of appetite. Low confidence.
Overactive: Experiencing issues such as desiring control over others and judging too harshly.
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